Equity Trading
In finance equity is the buying and selling of company stock shares. Shares in large publicly-traded companies are bought and sold through one of the major stock exchanges, which serve as managed auctions for stock trades . Stock shares in smaller public companies are bought and sold in over-the-counter (OTC) markets.
Equity trading can be performed by the owner of the shares, or by an agent authorized to buy and sell on behalf of the share’s owner. Proprietary trading or principal trading is buying and selling for the trader’s own profit or loss. In this case, the principal is the owner of the shares.
We employ a blend of a multitude of styles. All trades must be technical pattern trades—and we show the primary pattern of each trade in our annotated charts. Furthermore, all potential trades are interpreted with considerations too numerous features.
A few of those features that commonly become a persuasive reason for initiating a trade include:
Our proprietary fundamental and technical analysis techniques:
- Pivot levels with strong resistance or support significance – both before and after they are executed
- Candlestick charting techniques
- Technical Convergences
- Technical Divergences
- Analyses of reactions to fundamental events
- Strong or weak fundamentals, with particular attention to:
- Fundamental shifts
- Secondary, tertiary, and quaternary effects of the fundamental shift
- Fundamental divergences
- Debt analyses
Risk minimization: an essential ingredient in long-term success. A 50% draw down wipes out a 100% advance! Our trades target big gains, and stops keep losses small.
Profits in bull and bear markets: With long trades, short trades, beta-positive trades, and beta-negative trades, Trading Equity subscribers have the opportunity to make money in both up and down markets.
Exceptional commentary: The Trading Equity analysis team provides insights into swing trading strategies and market dynamics.
Time: With our entry, exit, and stop prices laid out for you, it may only take you a few minutes each day to keep up with, and profit from today’s volatile markets.